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My Purpose


"You were born an original don’t die a copy!" 



It has been said; 'Fiona is more than a coach a wordsmith, whilst supporting self healing! 

A believer that everything the mind believes, has control over our physical body,

our emotions and our life experiences! 


Your heart and gut know what they want, yet it’s what the mind believes that prevents us from trusting that gut instinct, our intuition and living out our heart's desires. 


The programming and conditioning from our childhood, previous experiences, along with generational patterns and old trauma passed through generations. The have to’s, the needs and the should’s, developed from these, can become our fundamentals, creating a life of demand, disconnection and poor communication with ourself and our loved ones.


Becoming the words we speak, moving us further and further away from doing what we really want, with who we want, when we want! 


Control and perfection can ramp up the need for everything to be and/or look a certain way, taking over. Leaving us with little or no space for spontaneity, fun, and most of all connection, with ourself, partner and other loved ones. 


You may be carrying something that didn’t actually happen to you in this lifetime.

Those generations maybe didn’t have the means or voice to release those

patterns/behaviours and/or traumas, I believe many of us now do! 



We are living out old paradigms, two main ones I work with are:



Women believing - 'I have to do it all!’ 

Resulting in partners not been able to be purposeful and in their masculine

within family dynamics.



Men believing - ‘Don’t ask questions!' 

Walking away/avoiding understanding or trying to understand women with only logic.



Resulting in potentially partners not feeling seen, heard, loved or safe, resentment can build and the beliefs are verified and so the cycle repeats.


There’s a purpose for each of us, become a team with a dream!


I am aware there are other relationships combinations, I only share knowledge and wisdom with dynamics I have experienced myself.




Based on everything been energy, including the power of words, our belief system and emotions, we can regulate and reset our body on a cellular level.


There are many techniques in today's world to energetically release old patterns/beliefs/behaviours/programming are stored in our mind and body. 


Yet we can automatically make everything we experience, mean something about ourselves. 

This can be dissolved and create new neural pathways in our brain, the key is to bring awareness to create the change we want.





My mantra is Where Reflection meets Creativity. 



How did I get to where I am?

Can give you the answers to what you do want!




Knowing what you don’t want, is often the gateway to knowing what you do want! 



I’m a root rather plaster kinda girl!

The root of why we do not feel worthy of the changes, we are continually trying to strive for!



The way we communicate and connect with others,

is a great baseline marker for our love for ourself! 




Want a better relationship with your loved ones, create a healthier relationship with yourself, mentally, emotionally, physically and intuitively. 



What I want you to know is that you are more than your name, more than your titles,

whether that be partner, spouse, sibling, a colleague, a friend, a pet owner, a home owner

or anything else. 


Is it time to rebel is a positive way, dissolve what’s not serving you and step into your Essence!


Explore and create who you really are by unpack and releasing the emotional baggage that’s physically (energy) trapped/manifesting in your body and sub consequently your life! 






With me alongside you to guide and support you to who you are meant to be! 


Feeling lost, stuck, pretending to be ok, alone and/or abandoned?


I am a bridge, the sign poster, a messenger. 

As young as I can remember I intuitively knew things, I now use that to guide

and support you back to your truth. 


Become your own best friend and who’s meant to be in your life will be. 


If there was ever a time to be the real you, the time is now! 


No more pleasing, proving, or trying to fit in, inspire others to be who you want them to be by BEING YOU!​​





To support individuals and couples to remain independent whilst being the team mate they've always wanted, so they can create and live out their dreams individually and together!


Creating healthy communication, connection and choices with themselves, their partner and loved ones.




It's often how we are living that's the issue rather than the person, live how you want to not how life expects you to! 




My Legacy

For there to be more love in the world, than when I arrived, by deepening connections, blameless communication

and the freedom to live in choice

rather than demand!


For ​people to realise they are enough as they are, for them to experience unconditional love, to be nourished, held, seen and heard especially when the chips are down'.


Become their own best friend, through  what they give to themselves, so it can ripple out into the world.


This planet requires people that care

and the only way we can care is by

caring about our self first!


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